About the Commission

The Goodwill Ambassador Commission refers to the body of the document in diplomatic law (Letters Patent) as the same subjective term legally and semantically dating back to the first US Goodwill Ambassador in 1927 representative of the country's prosperity and success when the Legal, Official and Honorable Title was created in the public domain.

Goodwill Ambassador Commission

Goodwill Ambassadors, the organization, was established in 1964 as an educational nonprofit outreach organization in Clarksville, Tennessee. Goodwill Ambassadors, Inc. formed originally in 1992 in Washington, DC to create validity for the honorable title of Goodwill Ambassador. In 2009 we created Goodwill Ambassadors of the World (Goodwill Ambassadors) on Blogger as a social media agenda and news publication about the admirable achievements, noteworthy accomplishments and positive social endeavors of the goodwill ambassador (ambassador of goodwill) from many exemplary organizations impacting the public sector and civil society. The objectives include championing their work, promoting engagement and manifesting additional publicity about their appearances, accomplishments, best practices, developments, and ethics through the Internet and social media. Our work has resulted in a Facebook page, a Twitter account, this WebSite and a well-read Blogspot with more than 25,000 visitors each month in 2013. 

We have taken great time, consensual results, expertise and hard-learned lessons into consideration prior to finalizing our development with internationalists and world leaders. Who are all now are recognized as our commissioners!

Goodwill is the benefit of a civil,
just and peaceful world.

Hon. Dmitri Demidenko at the United Nations in Geneva attending the Globcal International exhibit, an event where he helped write the Sustainable Development Goals and their Objectives. 

Organizational History

Although Goodwill Ambassadors started as a business incorporation in 1992, it took until 2013 when we would start the development of the Goodwill Ambassador Commission (Foundation) to continue to showcase our collective work in a fellowship with the members of Globcal International who trained to become goodwill ambassadors and began to establish an international registry through the initiative of an "International Goodwill Ambassadors Guild" (IGWAG), this later became known as the website International Goodwill Embassy, before being reformatted to be merged with the Commission. Once again on-course it is under-development planning a new debut in 2021/22 involving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other world issues to provide equal accreditation of goodwill ambassadors.

Our Legal Standing (Infrastructure)

The Goodwill Ambassador Commission is an autonomously operated semi-independent program of Globcal International which has goodwill ambassadors on staff around the world. All funding provided by or to the foundation is managed by its members both independently and collectively. As a program all inquiries and requests are managed distinctly to comply with our organization's guidelines and protocol. From the legal standpoint we are a working group of practitioners that is not an independent organization, but rather a decentralized peer-to-peer network. We do permit individuals from other organizations to act, function and serve in the workgroup through a corporate on non-governmental organization sponsorship. See Authority and Legal Status

We will reply to all well-prepared and understood communication. If you write to us please prepare a well-written document or proposal that we can reply to, informal inquiries are not acknowledged or considered. Use the information from our Contact Us page.

Goodwill Ambassadors ™

Goodwill Ambassadors ™ is an unregistered common law trademark designation of Globcal International that was first used in public commerce in 2012 and has been used in commerce continuously between 2009-2021. Globcal International published under the © Goodwill Ambassadors in 2009, and has used the term as a trade name, domain name, username, hashtag and profile handle since as early as 2007 on Facebook, Google and the Internet. In 2021, the title "Goodwill Ambassador" became an official designation of the Diplomatic Corps (CD) that is protected under law in more than three sovereign countries and by the United Nations through their hundreds of offices, because of the protection of the title official designations have been established to permit the titles' use without ambiguation. Similarly beginning in 2022 Goodwill Ambassadors will have their own collective mark.

Goodwill Ambassador Foundation (Summary)

Goodwill Ambassadors, Inc. began in 1992 as an event hosting and planning organization in Washington, DC. In 2009 Globcal International adopted the name and idea to create "Goodwill Ambassadors" originally known as "Goodwill Ambassadors of the World" which set-out to form a highly-skilled social media diplomacy corps program made up of individual goodwill ambassadors from around the world advocating for social change.

In 2013 the program was reformed into the Goodwill Ambassador Commission, which was made up of individual goodwill ambassadors with a wide-variety of backgrounds occupied with the task of forming a policy institute for setting standards concerning protocol, transparency, defining identity, practical methods, presentation, developing legal recognition, international civil service, non-government organization representative rights, applying diplomatic law and professionalism for goodwill ambassadors. In 2021, the commission launched a Creative Commons website development with the domain and namespace [Goodwill-Ambassador(s).org] designating new standards and an international code of conduct based on a wide range of compatible principles and understanding established by the European Union, the Commonwealth of Nations, the United Nations and many well recognized states. Internationally and universally the organization's motives were recognized publicly when it established and designated international standards for encoding the United Nations goodwill ambassador titles.

All United Nations specialized agencies' goodwill ambassadors and advocates are explicitly recognized with the honorable title, by the Goodwill Ambassador Foundation which is made up of the members of the commission. The Goodwill Ambassador Foundation also recognizes other local, regional, state, national and organization's ambassadors based on a legal qualification and verification process. The organization is a fellowship of those who are already goodwill ambassadors and advocates, to become a member of the foundation a person must have been legally conferred the honorable title by a head-of-state or designated by an official chief.