Goodwill Ambassadors List
Nearly 3,200 names that have been identified globally working as goodwill ambassadors or using the honorable title Goodwill Ambassador. Published here online through our resources.
The International Goodwill Ambassador List
Our official list is being developed in 2025 as a result of the Honorable Title becoming validated in law through points of authority, visits with heads-of-state and diplomatic protocol in nearly 200 countries through their state departments and exterior ministries. Currently the list under development entails over 500 celebrities and public figures that are on Wikipedia that are matched to their personal profile, Wikipedia page and their official page at the United Nations (if they have one) or one of nearly 2,500 international organizations that are authorized to create Official Goodwill Ambassadors in law.
Who is and who is not really a Goodwill Ambassador?
This is the question we hope to answer for the world with the Goodwill Ambassador List. While we are a Creative Commons website, the writers and owners of the website are actual Goodwill Ambassadors themselves engaged in a cooperative association; and while we know who our peers are and how to find out if someone really has been legally commissioned, we have no way of saying who has not been commissioned without them registering their Goodwill Ambassador Commission Document in our database, because they need the "rights, privileges, benefits and responsibilities" to which they are entitled. Currently the Goodwill Ambassador List has 1,300 names of former and current Goodwill Ambassadors from United Nations Specialized Agencies, US States, the United States, 12 INGOs, and several IOs (International Organizations) such as the Red Cross. We have identified over 38,000 individuals since 2010 in the social media currently impersonating a goodwill ambassador or using the title unofficially which dilutes the significance of the title, it violates 15 U.S. Code § 1125 - False designations of origin, false descriptions, and dilution forbidden.
Is there an Official Goodwill Ambassadors List?
Yes. The Official Goodwill Ambassador List is being created and introduced based on our authority as a Creative Commons and Public Knowledge Directory provider for governments of states at their border ports to provide Laissez-Passer and Laissez-Faire protection for all persons that are actively engaged in an ad hoc or official mission that depends on being provided with limited diplomatic immunity. The list is scheduled to be published for the first time beginning in February 2025. Obviously only persons that can be identified as real living people can be included in our database, so a registration record appears when queried; however this is not the basis for our list, but being in the database is a requirement for appearing on the list.
Currently there is a new Famous Goodwill Ambassadors List and there is our Member Directory which will be a reflection of a list.
UNICEF has a List of Local, National, Regional, International and Global Goodwill Ambassadors on Wikipedia
UNICEF in many ways is responsible for the creation of the celebrity dynamic that has risen to the top of Goodwill Ambassador Legal Standing. UNICEF is by no means the first to use the Goodwill Ambassador title, but they are the first to make it world-wide after the title was created by the United States in 1927. UNICEF has taken the ideas and spirit of philanthropy to a whole new level by using celebrities dedicated to their professions from all fields including sports, the arts, cinema, music and have even incorporated kings, queens, presidents and national heroes.
On Wikipedia there is a List of UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors, it is a relatively good list but it is subject to vandalism, personal bonification, plus most of the references are out of date or based on dead links throughout Wikipedia; for content though it is truly remarkable the subjects it covers and the best way for most people to find what they are looking for.
Banner Photo: The banner photo was taken by a collaborator for Ambassador Dimitri Demidenko in the center and another International Goodwill Ambassador Arzun Kshatri at a conference in Geneva in 2015, along with all the other delegates from more than 100 organizations gathered together to draft the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030.