Introduction to Goodwill Ambassadors

Introduction to Goodwill Ambassadors International

The International [Goodwill] Ambassador Foundation is a multi-disciplinary, multi-state and multi-stakeholder program with an interest in the formation of civilian goodwill ambassador corps involved in development of intentional positive activities in their communities, cities, states and nations. Our ambassadors serve as role models for the promotion of tourism, community activities, economic development, philanthropy and volunteerism globally and locally in the interest of public advocacy, civil social order and distinguished community service. 

You cannot join the Goodwill Ambassador Foundation directly to be assigned or appointed to the commission you must belong to one of the organizations that we recognize or become a friend of the Goodwill Ambassadors first.


Our foundation inspires members to augment their careers, pursue occupations as civic leaders, and as local non-profit community organization directors. We also assist in developing grants and sponsorships for making communities stronger and more resilient. Anyone with team leadership or business management skills, organizational experience, and good writing abilities are encouraged to support our objectives and become an ambassador professionally or to enhance their current careers understanding diplomatic protocol and civil social order. 

Our foundation offers membership and subcontractor consultation services to governments, individuals, organizations, and other foundations at city, state, national, and international levels, in 2021 our organization will also premier a new registry program for credential verification.

Mission, Vision, Values


The purpose of the Goodwill Ambassador Foundation is to popularize, promote and support the ideals of citizen engagement in an open democratic government that better represents our civil society with a focus on equality, civil and human rights. To engage with every city, state, nation, organization or cultural group that is a member of, or an observer to, an international body where we have a social interest, are members or observers as individuals or as a body politic.


Our mission is to increase the effectivity and visibility of citizen diplomats representative of their communities and organizations through education, engagement, and exposure as public advocates and goodwill ambassadors.

Each individual recognized as a goodwill ambassador has a personal mission in the foundation to promote peace, human rights, support prosperity, and protect the ideals of civil society while advancing the interests of the organization at home and abroad.