The Honorable Title
The Honorable Title in America originates in Kentucky in 1775, some say it originates with America's first colonels.
What is the Honorable title?
Honorable or Hon. is an honorific style that is used before the names of certain classes of people. In international diplomatic relations, representatives of foreign states are often addressed as "The Honorable". Deputy chiefs of mission, chargés d'affaires, consuls-general and consuls are always given the style. All heads of consular posts, whether they are honorary or career post-holders, are accorded the title according to the State Department of the United States. Senators, members of Congress, cabinet officials, judges and retired elected officials may all be referred to as "Honorable".
In Kentucky the "honorable" title is recognized in conjunction with a person's name as an admirable quality based on a deed or action that person performed in order to make them into a Kentucky Colonel or a Commonwealth Ambassador under Kentucky Common Law. Likewise in-law under the colonial act (common law) that was adopted implicitly in May of 1776 permits commissioners to create both honorary and internationally recognized officers in the United States and other places where common law exists.
Sample Style Format
John Smith, Esq., commonly called Honorable John Smith; or
Hon. John Smith, Esq., Kentucky Colonel; or
Hon. John Smith, Esq., Goodwill Ambassador
US Common Law
In United States common law the "HONORABLE" or "HON." title can be bestowed, granted and/or warranted by an elected head of state or the secretary of state of a sovereign body that can be recognized internationally. The "honorable title" can be granted through a lifetime or a time limited commission; the honorable title is a lifetime achievement depending upon the conditions; because the honorary awards are equivalent to actual standing once a person is honorable he/she/they shall remain honorable unless the person is forced to resign their commission for any reason. Normally once a person is recognized as honorable they remain honorable for that reason for the rest of their life.
Honors can be revoked or disgraced by the head of state of a sovereign body directly, by the issuer, a state or US judge on the bench, or through being convicted of a felony that would result in suspension or revocation of a United States Passport or the removal of civil rights or freedoms.
Honorary assignments, awards, commissions and forms of recognition are registrable if they provoke a form of address that may not be recognized where an individual is travelling to or working using the title. How a person is presented as a visitor should be understood and important to a goodwill ambassador especially if they are looking for a favorable reception. A person if they are travelling to a foreign country on a mission using their "Honorable" titles should have two or three items that show their official designation. Registration and apostilles usually provides (creates) three to five verification points.
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