Legal Status (Goodwill Ambassador)

Legal status is the position held by a commissioned or official goodwill ambassador with regard to law. It is a set of privileges, obligations, powers or restrictions that the person holding the title has which are encompassed in or declared by the official act or commission. 

Legal Status of Goodwill Ambassadors in State

It is understood that when a country or its leader invites a person that is a Goodwill Ambassador from another territory or jurisdiction that they are given summary diplomatic immunity by using their passport and their letter of invitation. 

General Disclaimer for Third-Parties

Our use of third-party emblems, insignia, icons, images, logos, photographs and symbols does not express or imply the existence of any direct relationship nor that any affiliation, association, endorsement or sponsorship exists between our organization and any third-party. All of our actual relationships are clearly stated under transparency standards on our websites and news publications, normally on the first page of a menu page, in the footer or the homepage.

By law, permission is not required to use a trademark belonging to another if it is for an editorial or informational use, if your use is part of an accurate comparative product statement, attributes our organization or if it is an idea that belongs to the Creative Commons of the public domain.

Statutory Exception Within Trademark Infringement Law

The Lanham Act is the statute that largely controls federal trademark law. One provision of the law allows for certain uses of trademarks. Under 15 U.S.C. § 1115(b)(4), one can assert a number of defenses against a claim of trademark infringement.

Informational Uses of a Trademark Are Permissible

Informational (or “editorial”) uses of a trademark do not require permission from its owner. These are uses that inform, educate, or express opinions protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution—freedom of speech and of the press.

Using Trademarks for Comparison

Under trademark law (specifically, 15 U.S.C. § 1115(b)(4)), you are generally permitted to use a trademark as a means for comparison. For example, you could create a newspaper advertisement that incorporates your mark and your competitors' marks in order to describe a difference between the companies.

First Legal Claim to Use 1964 

The Goodwill Ambassador Commission has reorganized the Goodwill Ambassadors, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization established for educational purposes in Clarksville, Tennessee. References: GuideStar , Cause IQ, NonProfit Facts, TaxExempt World (Claim Assumed by Goodwill Ambassador Commission)

Book Cover International Law

Content Removal

Our organization by nature is as a decentralized autonomous multi-purpose organization that administers its authority over subject areas that are important to our members which are manifested as Creative Commons websites, online news publications, and social media pages.  In exchange for donations to provide these services online for our members and the public when participating in public awareness events and campaigns, Honorificus on the behalf of its clients provides activists with gifts that recognize the originators and sources of their activities. Each item provided by Honorificus to our members and/or publicly on our website includes its own legal disclaimer posted online.

News publications are not removable, but if you believe that your emblems, flag, insignia, icons, images, logos, photographs or symbols are being misused under our authority you are welcome to send us a [Legal Notification of Misuse] or other [Legal Statement] by email to and will be respond to within 10 business days, all communications sent to Goodwill Ambassadors and Honorificus are made available for discussion, public inspection and viewing.

Legal Issues

If you are an attorney you had better have a client with very deep pockets putting up a $500,000 retainer to start a case against the Goodwill Ambassador Commission to begin with, to bring a case against us you must pay our legal defense in advance with a $100,000 bond or we will not admit jurisdiction; for an attorney to have standing to take us to court in the electronic frontier would be like taking the President of Andorra to court for using the title Goodwill Ambassador from the United States. Any party that challenges our exclusive rights to use and protect the term "Goodwill Ambassador(s)" in its treatment as a title, trademark, service mark, copyright, trade name or company will need to first prove to the court with a verified complaint that they have prior users rights to 1992 which is an arbitrary, distinctive, or famous use that supersedes our rights in the public domain. The Goodwill Ambassador Commission had over 260 registered commissioners in 150 countries, our target for 2022 is to have a registration program for nearly 1,000 additional jurisdictions, we don't even understand how something like our commission can be stopped from reclaiming the title and trademark, it is all the unauthorized users that should be concerned about bringing a negative vibe or disgrace to the users of the title. 

Use of Emblems, Logos and Symbols

Goodwill Ambassadors and Honorificus promote awareness and provide information about events, initiatives, movements, observances, programs, and projects that are created and operated by third-parties such as governments, intergovernmental organizations, institutions, cultural ethnicities, communities and states. As a participant in promoting activism and awareness each year leading up to a day or event or on an ongoing basis, our organization produces goods - such as educational and promotional materials like t-shirts, buttons, signs, decals, ball caps, stickers, posters and other items to create thematic ambience around our participation in such relative activities on a non-commercial basis as a non-profit organization. 

Honorificus itself is a unique brand name and trademark that belongs to a non-profit charitable organization, it is not a private company, nor are the goods produced by it commercialized for profit. The products we produce are for terms and ideas that are in the public domain or relative to public awareness events that have been acknowledged by "governments of the world" such as Arbor Day, Earth Day, New Year's Day, Wildlife Day, Biodiversity Day, World Environment Day, Indigenous Peoples' Day, and more than 100 other celebration activities operated and organized under concepts and ideas that have been placed in the public domain.

All funds raised through engagement in celebrations, events, festivals and observances directly benefit the general public and the programs being recognized. Honorificus offers its services through providing technological services, verification services and provides to its clients (non-profit and non-governmental organizations) with the ability to garner a higher percentage of return on items used to show appreciation or recognition for charitable interactions. Honorificus does not promote or engage in contractual relationships with individuals or corporations.