Honorable Title Commissioners
The Secretary General of the United Nations, the Presidents, Vice Presidents, Governors, Secretaries of State, Mayors, Indigenous Tribal Sovereigns and the Leaders of International Organizations possess the authority to bestow the Honorable Title. The Honorable Title can be applied for many events, occasions and actions.
Goodwill Ambassador Commissioners
It is understood in English, Maritime and United States Common Law that, the "Honorable Title" can only be bestowed, designated, or granted through the action of a head-of-state, secretary-of-state, government official, an international governmental or nongovernmental secretariat, a chief of a sovereign indigenous nation or by the commander of a ship. The title is granted based on an action or deed of the recipient through either a commission, letters patent, a proclamation, a news event, a letter of credence or a certificate signed by the commissioner. "The Honorable" or "Honorable" title can be applied to becoming named as any type of honorary officership or award, with which bring their benefits and voluntary duties.
Goodwill Ambassador Title Commissioners
Nearly all nations today recognize the "Goodwill Ambassador" Title, but not all goodwill ambassadors that use the title are really "Goodwill Ambassadors" or are necessarily authorized to use the Goodwill Ambassador(s) Marks or Title for commercial or unauthorized purposes. To prevent misappropriation we have established the Goodwill Ambassador Commission (Registry Certificate) which is automatically provided upon request to all persons that are duly commissioned by the following individuals or their recognized offices at a previous date.
Title Commissioners in the United States
The President of the United States, the Vice-President, Secretary of State, Members of the President's Cabinet, Supreme Court Justices, Senators, Congressman, Governors, Lieutenant Governors, Secretaries of State, Federal and State Court Judges, County Commissioners, Mayors as well as other recognized officials all have the power to bestow the "Honorable" title and/or the title of Goodwill Ambassador.
Recognition Under English/United States Common Law
In the United States recognition of the "Goodwill Ambassador Title" is often very important, with the media (who are often fooled), with local government, corporations (sometimes duped) and under the strict state and federal scrutiny is most often rejected when unknown. To be recognized in the United States legally as a Goodwill Ambassador with the Goodwill Ambassador Commission is the same as having an international document apostilled.
Legal titles of foreign visitors that can be recognized as "Honorable" in the United States are few; under Colonial Common Law which was adopted in May of 1776 as the "body of law" that would continue has survived the test of many years. Under the common law the titles of nobility from foreign states were abolished as having any legitimacy or standing, but it did not preclude titles of merit or honor. So while being a Duke, Baron, Lord, or Prince were no longer recognized after the Colonial Legal Transition, the titles of merit and recognition prenominal and postnominal like Colonel, Lt. Colonel, Captain, Judge, Professor, Doctor, Planter, Boss, Master (School Master), Reverend, Ambassador, and a few others are often taken for life.
Since 1776 there has been much written about "titles" by the end of the 19th century most of the debates about titles had been settled and mostly remained; as it seems during the 19th century a legitimate honorary title meant a person had an outstanding character.
The United States Constitution Article 1 Section 9 Clause 8 - Constitution Annotated: No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.