Bibliography (Books)

Goodwill Ambassadors Bibliography

This is a stand-alone bibliography or webliography about "goodwill ambassadors" and "ambassadors of goodwill" this page is focused on textual references regarding the "honorable title" as well because it is through common law that an elected official of a territory can designate a goodwill ambassador.

Books About Goodwill Ambassadors

This is part of an extensive search that was performed at the Library of Congress, Internet Archive, Newspaper Archive and other websites, most of the articles displayed herein are from newspapers before the development of the teletype machine in 1935. Many of these articles are very important historically and they are all included in the context of our printed work © Goodwill Ambassadors of the World, "title" registered under a US Copyright, much of which, is based on works that are sourced under a Creative Commons License 1.0 scheduled for release in 2022-2024. Content from this list and other portions of our WebSite are all sourced from the Public Domain or by Google, but its compilation is our legal Historical ℗ Patent (Our Story). Some of this material may have been copied by Globcal International or the Non-State Network Servers.

℗ Patent and © Copyright (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

Authors and writers making reference for other works are welcome to cite our ℗ Patent and © Copyright "this webpage" as their "static permalink source" for their information under Creative Commons License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) with reciprocal Attribution:

Wright, David J, Veneke, Maria Ylikomi, et. al., Goodwill Ambassadors of the World © 2009-2022
All rights reserved by Globcal International and the Goodwill Ambassador Commission

  1. International Goodwill Ambassador - 04/11/1986 - University Marketing and Communications

  2. Goodwill Ambassadors: Hiroshima-Nagasaki World Peace Study Mission, 1963-1965, Collected Records, SCPC-CDG-A-Good-Will Ambassadors-Hiroshima-Nagasaki World Peace Study Mission. Swarthmore College Peace Collection.

  3. Goodwill Ambassadors or Ideological Warriors? Cultural Diplomacy and the American-Soviet Exhibit Exchanges in the USSR 1959-1976

  4. Tan, Wendy W., American First Ladies as Goodwill Ambassadors,